Score Trend for House Pricing

Score Trend for House Pricing (Score)
Construction and Planning Agency Ministry of the Interior
Cover Space
98HY2 used to be the five major metropolitan areas, after 99HY1 it is the six major metropolitan areas, after 104HY1, only those who want to purchase houses in the six major municipalities will be inspected
Update Frequency
Every season (Year 2009 and 2010 are accordance to every half year), after 104HY1, is every half year
Compilation Method
Weighted-average System
Refer to the compilation method of Taiwan Consumer Confidence Score and the American Economic Consultative Bureau Consumer Confidence Score of the Research Center for Taiwan Economic Development of the National Central University. Taking the middle choice of home buyers as the index reference Score (100), different levels of weights are given to home buyers for their bullish or bearish housing prices, with scores ranging from 0 to 200 points.

A score of 100 means that the ratio of bulls and bears are the same. A score higher than 100 means that the ratio of bulls is more than that of bears. A score of less than 100 means that the ratio of bears is more than that of bulls.